
Phase 1 Trial

Revolutionizing Neurodevelopmental Assessment

Our team is dedicated to transforming the diagnostic process – starting with conditions like pediatric autism, ADHD, and learning disabilities. With the cost of assessments skyrocketing and systems facing crises, we are pioneering the development of game-based diagnostic tools. These innovative tools are designed to support patients, families, schools, and healthcare systems by providing rapid, objective, and cost-effective assessments.

At the heart of our approach is the utilization of digital interfaces, such as mobile games, to identify and track digital biomarkers. These markers are crucial, as they can reveal significant insights about an individual's health. Our research focuses on detecting and interpreting these signals to streamline the diagnostic process. By leveraging this cutting-edge technology, we aim to revolutionise how assessments are conducted, making them more accessible for all involved.

We are currently advancing our research through the BRIGHTEN-Study, a large-scale clinical trial that has received MHRA approval for its Phase 2. Following the successful completion of Phase 1, we're rapidly moving forward with further testing. Our preliminary data has been made available to funding bodies and investors, and we plan to release preprints shortly.