
Phase 2 Trial

Join Our Groundbreaking Study: Brightlobe Needs You

Brightlobe is embarking on a transformative Phase 2 study and is actively recruiting children aged 3 to 8 years. We are looking for participants both without any previous diagnosis (controls) and those diagnosed with neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism or ADHD. To ensure the integrity and safety of the study, specific eligibility and ineligibility criteria are in place. We strongly encourage interested families to reach out to our study team for detailed information.

Families participating in our study will be compensated with up to 20 GBP in Amazon vouchers. Additionally, travel expenses will be reimbursed where applicable. We also extend an invitation to schools and charitable organizations to participate and contribute to this pioneering research.

How We're Innovating with Interactive Games

At Brightlobe, we're leveraging the captivating world of immersive gaming to identify and monitor biomarkers that reflect a child's neurodevelopmental status in real time. This innovative approach offers a non-invasive, engaging way to assess neurodevelopmental conditions, track a child's progress, and tailor interventions specifically to their needs.

What sets our method apart is the design of our diagnostic tools: each game is meticulously crafted in collaboration with the children who will use them, ensuring they are not only effective but also genuinely enjoyable. This co-design process enhances the relevance and effectiveness of our tools, making our study a game-changer in pediatric healthcare diagnostics.